Timothy's Birthday Countdown

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

18 March 2012

Spring Break: Lots of Firsts!

We flew down to Kentucky to visit Grandpa, Grandma and Aunt Cola for spring break. It was Timothy's first time in an airplane, first time out of state, first time eating pickles and green onions, first time trying on silly hats and glasses, and first time seeing horses, rabbits, chickens and all sorts of other things! He did great on the plane ride; slept most of the time. He had a blast hanging out and seeing all the animals, watching some TV (He couldn't figure out why it's called the "boob tube"... not a boob in sight!),  enjoying some after-bath naked time and going for a walk in his new carrier. Timothy also got a new nickname- "Honey Badger." (He don't give a sh*t!) We even got a couple of great family pictures. :)




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