Timothy's Birthday Countdown

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

18 March 2012

Spring Break: Lots of Firsts!

We flew down to Kentucky to visit Grandpa, Grandma and Aunt Cola for spring break. It was Timothy's first time in an airplane, first time out of state, first time eating pickles and green onions, first time trying on silly hats and glasses, and first time seeing horses, rabbits, chickens and all sorts of other things! He did great on the plane ride; slept most of the time. He had a blast hanging out and seeing all the animals, watching some TV (He couldn't figure out why it's called the "boob tube"... not a boob in sight!),  enjoying some after-bath naked time and going for a walk in his new carrier. Timothy also got a new nickname- "Honey Badger." (He don't give a sh*t!) We even got a couple of great family pictures. :)




13 March 2012

Summer's Coming!

It may only be March, but the temperatures have been rising and it's starting to feeling like summertime. Today we went for a walk by the river with Ali and Amelia.

11 March 2012

Lunch Time

Timothy has really taken to eating real food. Can you tell he's excited?


10 March 2012

Just Playing Around

Timothy's days are filled with fun. Today he spent some time in his exersaucer and then was entertained while watching Chuckles (the cat). He zonked right out when he laid down on Daddy!


06 March 2012

Fun Times with Megan

We got to hang out with Mom's friend Megan a couple times this week. On Sunday we went for a walk down by the river and got ice cream afterwards. We went out for sushi on Tuesday. This will probably be the last time Timothy gets to go out to eat for a while. Did you know he is a ninja? Anything within his reach will be destroyed, including sushi rolls, glasses full of water and paper napkins...

02 March 2012


Timothy tried a kiwi for the first time today. Despite his quite dramatic facial expressions, he actually seemed to enjoy it, because he kept going back for more!

01 March 2012

Sitting Pretty

Timothy is getting pretty good at sitting up on his own lately. He tends to topple when he reaches out for toys, though. Look at those chunky thighs!