Timothy's Birthday Countdown

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

23 April 2012

School Pictures

Who knew they did school pictures at day care? Well, they do. Timothy was all smiles for the camera lady when I dropped him off in the morning, but wouldn't smile for the camera when it came time to take the picture. Oh well, he's still the most beautiful baby boy in the world! By the way, these are pictures I took of the pictures, so there's quite a bit of glare. You will also notice that we included his stuffed duck from Grandma Voigt!

22 April 2012

Advanced Baby Stuff

We had to lower the mattress, since Timothy is now able to pull himself up to standing in his crib! Since the weather is getting so nice, we picked up a swing to hang on the clothesline pole. He loves swinging and watching Mommy hang laundry. He's also pretty into his little piano that Grandma Cheri got him for Christmas.

14 April 2012


Timothy is starting to enjoy playtime by himself a little bit more each day. His newest toy is this car/bike that he can sit on and push all sorts of buttons. Look at him steering and shifting!

07 April 2012


Here are just a couple pictures from Timothy's first Easter at Grandma Olson's and Great-Grandma Stoehr's.


18 March 2012

Spring Break: Lots of Firsts!

We flew down to Kentucky to visit Grandpa, Grandma and Aunt Cola for spring break. It was Timothy's first time in an airplane, first time out of state, first time eating pickles and green onions, first time trying on silly hats and glasses, and first time seeing horses, rabbits, chickens and all sorts of other things! He did great on the plane ride; slept most of the time. He had a blast hanging out and seeing all the animals, watching some TV (He couldn't figure out why it's called the "boob tube"... not a boob in sight!),  enjoying some after-bath naked time and going for a walk in his new carrier. Timothy also got a new nickname- "Honey Badger." (He don't give a sh*t!) We even got a couple of great family pictures. :)




13 March 2012

Summer's Coming!

It may only be March, but the temperatures have been rising and it's starting to feeling like summertime. Today we went for a walk by the river with Ali and Amelia.

11 March 2012

Lunch Time

Timothy has really taken to eating real food. Can you tell he's excited?