Timothy's Birthday Countdown

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

27 February 2012

Food Fight?

No, there was no food fight tonight. We gave Timothy the other package of baby food we were given, but this was super-pureed. We also had more yellow squash and zucchini. Timothy was in a great mood!


23 February 2012

Ring Slinging

The ring sling is nice for short walks and cruising around the house.


22 February 2012

First Haircut!

Timothy's newborn hair has mostly rubbed off, but there are a few patches that are super long and always getting in his eyes. Our friend Barb took on the important task of his first haircut, which he didn't seem to mind at all! Here are some pics- before, during and after!

21 February 2012

Beware of Crack

Daddy was watching Timothy play with the butterflies on his playmat when he caught a glimpse of baby crack! haha

17 February 2012

Grandma's Visit

Grandma came for a visit today and watched Timothy while Mommy was at work. They went out for lunch and Timothy got to try a cucumber slice from Mom's salad. Unfortunately it had some raspberry vinaigrette on it, which he thought was a very strange taste! When we got the mail later, Timothy had received a couple of hats that Mom's friend Kari had crocheted for him. What a cutie!

12 February 2012

Playdate with the Girls

We went to Ali's today and got to play with Amelia and Reese. It was a good time!

11 February 2012


Tonight Timothy enjoyed leftover mystery baby food with asparagus spears.

10 February 2012

Yellow Squash & Zucchini

Timothy enjoyed these vegetables tonight. He also enjoyed chewing on his seatbelt.


09 February 2012

Baby Food

We had a packet of "baby food" that someone gave us, so I squirted it on Timothy's tray for supper tonight. It was, of course, some weird combination of foods and looked like dog food. He still had fun playing with it and with his bowl and spoon, too.


08 February 2012

Day Care Friends

Timothy's favorite daycare activities include bouncing and hanging out with friends (like Preston) in the exersaucer.


04 February 2012

Fun with Food

Timothy wasn't a huge fan of avocados, but they did make a lovely mess! He did like sweet potatoes, chicken and especially broccoli.