Timothy's Birthday Countdown

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

31 January 2012

Tae Kwon Do with Daddy

Timothy put on his dobak and watched Daddy do tae kwon do tonight. It was pretty snug. It probably won't fit him next time he goes to wear it! Here's the first picture of him wearing his dobak for comparison.


29 January 2012

First Foods

We are following Baby Led Weaning. Instead of feeding Timothy unrecognizable mush, we are feeding him real food. Saying that we're "feeding" him is quite misleading, though. We give him finger-sized (not bite-sized) pieces of food that are either soft or cooked al dente and he mostly just plays with it. He can experiment with flavors and textures and will eventually figure out the chewing and swallowing parts later. Here he is enjoying a banana!

28 January 2012

January Playdate

Some friends of ours had a playdate at their house the other day. While most of our kids are too young to really interact with each other, the moms and dads sure enjoyed hanging out together!

25 January 2012

Growing So Big

Timothy now has two front teeth on the bottom! He has been a chewing machine to get them through, but hasn't really been too fussy or bothered by them. He also rolls both ways now, so changing diapers has a new challenge.


21 January 2012

Family Bed

Timothy has shared our bed since we first brought him home from the hospital. Waking up to his smiling face is one of the best parts of the day. :)


15 January 2012

Rest in Peace, Great Grandpa Stoehr

We went to Grandma Olson's this weekend to attend Great Grandpa Stoehr's funeral. It was nice to see  the extended family, including Great Grandma and Grandpa Pink, and celebrate his life. We will miss him for sure!



10 January 2012

Giant Baby

We got to visit with baby Amelia again at tonight's Central Wisc. Holistic Families meeting. She's getting bigger, but still has a long ways to go to catch up to Timothy (aka Giant Baby)!

08 January 2012


One of Timothy's favorite pastimes is swinging. :)

07 January 2012

God Mommies with God Babies

We took a day trip to Madison and visited some friends. First we went to Jesse & Cassi's to pick up two huge garbage bags full of hand-me-down clothes for Timothy. We are now set until he is 5 years old! Then we went to visit Melissa and Thomas. Among the items from Jesse was a monkey costume, but since it will be a while before Timothy will fit into it, we passed it on to Thomas. It took some convincing to get him to try it on, but after it was on he didn't want to take it off!

We had to get a group picture, since we are both God Mothers of each other's baby boys.


06 January 2012


Timothy was hanging out in the Bumbo while I was doing laundry when we had an impromptu photoshoot. Here are a few of the many cute pics that came of the event.

05 January 2012

Trading Mai Tais for Mei Tais

The mei tai carrier a friend gave us is a great way to get around with Timothy. It's also a great way to get some snuggles in!