Timothy's Birthday Countdown

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

31 December 2011

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.... Happy New Year!

We spent Timothy's first New Year's Eve hanging out at our friends' Josh & Chelsea's house. On our drive to their place Timothy sat in his brand new car seat since he has grown to long for his infant car seat. He also got to wear the reindeer suit that Grandma Voigt got him because it was chilly outside! There were lots of fun people, including Josh and Chelsea's daughter Iva, who is a couple months older than Timothy; good food and great conversation. We even stayed awake to see the first minutes of 2012 (Mom and Dad did, anyway. Timothy was asleep on mom).


29 December 2011

Two New Friends

It's official! Timothy has found his feet. Diaper changes are more exciting than ever now. :)

25 December 2011

Tiny Tim said, "Merry Christmas to us all; God bless us, every one!"

We spent Timothy's first Christmas at Grandma Olson's and Aunt Cola was up from Kentucky, too. While cutting veggies up for dinner, we gave Timothy one to munch on (or slobber on anyway). He seemed to enjoy it when he wasn't gagging himself with it. We spent  part of one day at Great Aunt Susan's hanging out with Second Cousin Rachel, who is due with a little boy of her own in March!

Opening presents was fun. Timothy liked crinkling the paper. He got plenty of nice outfits, toys and books. One of his favorite items was an exersaucer like the one he plays in at day care.


22 December 2011

Peruvian Popsicle

Last year we hosted a Peruvian exchange student, Lucia, for six weeks in Jan./Feb. She was always cold, so we called her our Peruvian Popsicle. One of the gifts she sent Timothy was this orange hat. Today he wore it for the first time and when we got to day care I saw that one of the strings had found its way into his mouth. I had to snap a picture- he looked so goofy!

17 December 2011

Bowlin' Bowlin' Bowlin'...

We didn't get many pictures (or any good ones), but tonight was Timothy's first bowling experience. We had a fun evening hanging out with Amelia and her mom and dad. Bowling scores need not be discussed... :)

12 December 2011

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Tonight was Daddy's Black Belt Christmas party for Taekwondo and Santa made an appearance. This was the first time Timothy met Santa and there was something special about it! :) Timothy was very interested in the textures of Santa's outfit and beard!


11 December 2011

Sock Monster!

Today I was playing the laundry game on the couch with Timothy and when I looked up, I caught a glimpse of the sock monster and even got a picture!

10 December 2011

Rock Lobster!

No unifying theme with the pictures from this week, but they sure are cute. Here is Timothy in his new "Auntie" outfit, sleeping on my shoulder (compare to a few months ago), and in his lobster (crab?) towel after a bath with Daddy.


03 December 2011

Daddy Love

It's hard to tell if Daddy loves Timothy more or if it's the other way around.


01 December 2011

New Tricks

Timothy is holding his head up well enough now that he enjoys sitting in the Bumbo. He especially likes to play the laundry game with Mommy (also known as folding laundry) while sitting up. He has become very good at rolling from his belly to his back, too. Here's a great action shot!