Timothy's Birthday Countdown

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

28 November 2011

Chew Toys: Not just for dogs!

Timothy has perfected reaching out and deliberately grabbing objects. Of course once they are in his hands they move straight to the mouth!

27 November 2011

Happy Birthday to Mommy

After spending Thanksgiving in Appleton with Daddy's family, we went to Mommy's family's for the weekend. Sunday was Mommy's birthday. We visited Great Grandma and Great Grandpa and just hung out and played at Grandma's.

25 November 2011

Mommy's Little Turkey

We traveled to Appleton for Thanksgiving day and Timothy got to meet lots of family members from Grandma Voigt's side of the family including Great Aunt Susie and Great Uncle Curt.


There were all sorts of new toys to play with and of course Timothy was dressed to impress, courtesy of Aunt Cola!



23 November 2011

Meeting Miss Amelia

Mommy's friend Ali brought Amelia Rae into this world on November 18th. We had the pleasure of meeting her a few days later. I could not believe how itsy bitsy she was! I was so surprised by how light she was when I held her that I said, "It's like she's imaginary!" haha :) She was about seven and a half pounds that day; Timothy was never that small (since we've known him, anyway). We had to take some pictures, since it won't be long before they won't be so different in size.

16 November 2011

Back to Work

Last week Mommy went back to work after three precious months at home with Timothy. Mostly it has been a smooth transition. Timothy is doing very well at day care. There are lots of new toys and friends to play with, but one of his favorite activities is playing in the exersaucer. Also pictured here is a pretty vase of flowers that Daddy sent Mommy at work.


11 November 2011

Veteran's Affairs

Having a Navy Veteran for a Daddy has some perks. For instance, this week Timothy got to go to Applebee's on 11/11 where's Daddy's meal was free (first picture below) and he got to watch his first live surgery at the VA hospital in Tomah when Daddy had a cyst removed from his arm (last two pictures below-  Timothy's cat nap in the waiting room before he gloved up for surgery). Good times all around! :)

04 November 2011

Grandma's Magic Hands

Grandma Olson came up to visit during Mommy's last weekend before heading back to work. Timothy and Mommy were happy to see her!