Timothy's Birthday Countdown

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

31 October 2011

Trick or Treat?

We didn't go Trick or Treating with Timothy this year, since it was cold and raining (and because we've decided not to let him eat candy until he's at least got some teeth to rot). We still had fun, though. Kim came over for the weekend and got to meet our little pumpkin for the first time. He got some snuggle time with Buster, too. We spent Halloween night hanging at our neighbors' house handing out candy with them.

Monday Mommy and Timothy went to the New Mom's group at St. Micheal's hospital for the last time before she has to go back to work.

25 October 2011

The New & Unused Crib

We received most of our baby items second hand from friends, but Steve wanted the crib to be a special item that we purchased new. We also spent about twice as much money on an organic crib mattress compared to a regular one. If we would have known that Timothy would spend so little time in his crib, then maybe we would have rethought our decision to spend so much on his bedding. Most of time he sleeps with us in our bed, but he does take some of his naps there and enjoys playing there occasionally, too.

22 October 2011

Really Mom?

While it's a well known fact that the dryer monster regularly taketh away (hence those mate-less socks!), there are those rare occurrences when the dryer monster giveth. The other day I found this little bug barrette after removing a load of laundry, so I just had to try it out. While Timothy was very pretty, I'd have to say he makes a better boy than a girl. :)


20 October 2011

Lunch Date

Thursday we had a nice, but brief, lunch date with Aunt Becky. Timothy got a little dressed up for the occasion. She was surprised by how big he has gotten!

18 October 2011

Sad Face :(

Sometimes Timothy makes really sad faces.... but the truth is, sometimes they're really funny!


Awww, such a poor guy!

17 October 2011

This Week's Visitors

Grandma Voigt came for a Sunday afternoon to visit and take us out to lunch. She also brought some really cute new outfits for Timothy, including a reindeer outfit! Friend Chris stopped by later during the week while he was in town for a job interview.


15 October 2011

More Wedding Bells

We attended another wedding, this time sans Timothy thanks to a visit by Grandma Olson, but he did come to the reception with us where we stayed out until 9:30pm! More pics to come.

12 October 2011

Baby Wearing

We have a few baby carriers, but lately I've been using my Maya Ring Sling. Wearing Timothy allows me to get a little more work done around the house while also snuggling and/or nursing him (almost) hands-free!

11 October 2011

What Happened?!

This morning Steve got out of bed and exclaimed that it looked like someone had used a giant paper punch in our room. Some nights are rougher than others when you are a breastfeeding zombie!

10 October 2011

Everyday Activities

During a typical day, Timothy participates in some pretty exciting activities including going for walks in the front carrier or stroller, napping in his swing, tummy time (sometimes on the Boppy) and playing with toys (he loves rattles!)



08 October 2011

Wedding Bells

Timothy enjoyed attending his first wedding on Saturday. He did very well the whole day. We spent most of the (Catholic) ceremony in the church lobby nursing and hanging out, but that was ok.


The weather was beautiful, so between the ceremony and reception we relaxed at a nearby park.


07 October 2011

Timothy Turns Two!

Well, two months... We can't believe how much he's grown! Is it true? Was he really ever this small???

05 October 2011

Who buys shoes for a baby?

Auntie Cola, that's who! Being her favorite nephew, he gets spoiled with cute outfits. :) The shoes were quite big on him, but the onsie fit and the outfit wasn't complete without them so we wore them to the grocery store anyway. :)

03 October 2011

Good Morning, Sunshine!

Timothy is happiest in the morning and lately he's been all smiles and giggle-screeches.