Timothy's Birthday Countdown

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

30 September 2011

Sleepy Time

Here are a bunch of cute sleepy time pics from Timothy's first two months.



28 September 2011

Smiley Guy!

Timothy started smiling more and more over the month of September. Here is the proof!



26 September 2011

More Grandparents!

Grandpa Olson and Grandma Cheri were finally able to meet Timothy in person! We got to hang out all week together and had lots of fun and lots of snuggle time.

Timothy also went with Mommy and Daddy during this week to meet Karla, our foreign exchange student from Vietnam through the UWSP International Friendship Program.

24 September 2011

Road Trip!

This weekend we went to visit Grandma Olson and Great Grandma and Grandpa Stoehr. Timothy did very well in the car during the 6 hour round-trip.

23 September 2011

Snuggles with Mommy

Timothy has been lucky enough to get to spend so much time with Mommy at home. There really is no better place to snooze than in Mommy's arms.

August 31
September 23

07 September 2011

One Month Old!

Happy Birthday to Timothy!

06 September 2011

Precious Moments with Daddy

Timothy shares a lot with Daddy. His middle name is shared with both Daddy and the late Grandpa Decker. He looks most like his Daddy, too. Here are a few pictures of Timothy enjoying Daddy Time, including his very first bottle feeding.



02 September 2011

Bath Time with Daddy

Since Timothy was not a fan of being bathed in his baby bathtub, we thought we'd try the big bathtub. We decided that this could be good quality time with Daddy, since Timothy gets to spend all day with Mommy. I also thought this would be a great opportunity for me to take a quick nap or get supper ready. Turns out I spend the entire bathtime watching and taking pictures and videos because he's just so darn cute!


He LOVES bathtime with Daddy! He kicks and splashes like a wild man. :)

01 September 2011

Not Your Granny's Cloth Diapers

When we mention to people that we use cloth diapers, we get some disbelieving looks. These cloth diapers, however, are light years away from the cloth diapers you wore as an infant. There are many different styles, but we decided to use mostly Best Bottom "hybrid" or "all-in-two" diapers from Nicki's Diapers. These diapers are working out very well for us, plus they are made in WI!


I have also switched to using cloth wipes. I have a million baby washcloths, so I'm using the thin ones for wipes, plus I made some of my own with old t-shirts and an old fleece sweater.