Timothy's Birthday Countdown

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

29 August 2011

Bon Voyage, Uncle Justin!

Timothy and Uncle Justin were lucky enough to get to spend a month together before Justin shipped off to Senegal, West Africa for two years with the Peace Corps.

28 August 2011

First Road Trip: To (Great) Grandmother's house we go!

It was a long day for Timothy- way too long in the car and too many times in and out of the carseat- but we traveled to West Bend to meet Great Grandma Decker, Uncle Wes and Cousin Kelsey. Besides the last leg of the car ride, it was a great trip.


26 August 2011

Week 3: Time to wake up- we have more visitors!

Auntie Cola (Nicole); Cousin Rachel; and Godmommy Melissa and Godbrother Thomas came to visit Timothy.


He was becoming more and more alert each day!

19 August 2011

Week 2: Adventures in Dreamland

Like most babies, Timothy spent his first couple weeks on this earth sleeping and snuggling.

12 August 2011

First Days... at Home

Timothy was visited by Grandma Olson and Great Grandma and Grandpa Pink during his first days home.
He also attended his very first Tae Kwon Do event!


Grandma helped Mommy and Daddy give Timothy his first bath at home. He wasn't all that fond of the event.


09 August 2011

First Days... at the Hospital

We did enjoy the perks of being at a hospital- meals served, diapers changed, baby swaddled...


Our little guy wasn't all that little. He weighed 8lb. 4oz. and was 22in. long. He inherited Olson toes!


Getting his very first bath.


Preparing to come home.

07 August 2011

Birth Day

Labor started with my water breaking at 3:00am on Sunday, August 7th; one week after my estimated due date. We planned to have a homebirth with In The Beginning Midwives, but due to high blood pressure, I delivered at Riverside Medical Center in Waupaca. Unlike most hospitals, I was not required to be strapped down to a bed with monitors the whole time. Everything did not go perfectly smooth, but if you ask Steve or me, we loved the whole event and would tell you it was perfect.


Timothy Stephen Decker was born naturally on that Sunday at 9:45 pm.

03 August 2011

Waiting for Timothy's Arrival

Here I am a month (blue shirt) and a week (purple shirt) before the Big Day. It's hard to believe my body was that shape- I was HUGE!!